1602 Explorer Bartholomew Gosnold
1603 Explorer Martin Pring traveled up into the Kennebunk River
1604 Explorer Samuel de Champlain called Cape Porpoise Harbor Les Port aux Isles or Island Harbor
1610 Cape Porpus name marked on Simancus Map
1614 Referred to by Captain John Smith on his map as Cape Porpus
1617 Winter Harbor Richard Vines and crew spent the winter at Biddeford Pool
1617 "Great Dying," 90% of all Indians in Maine died of European diseases
1620 40-50 vessels fishing in New England waters including the coast of Maine
1629 Granted to Vines and Thomas
1636 First Court held at Saco
1641 Sept 27, Charter to Wells Rev. John Wheelwright
1653 Submission to Massachusetts
1660 Kennebunk River becomes the boundary between Cape Porpoise and Wells
1670 Cape Porpoise spelling first used
1675 King Phillip's War
1689 King William's War
1689 April 22 Indian Attacks depopulated Cape Porpoise
1703 Durrell family carried off by Indians
1719 Descendants of old inhabitants and new settlers petitioned Mass to reincorporate Cape Porpoise as Arundel
1724 Thomas Perkins House built in Arundel
1725 First Church in Cape Porpoise
1726 October 2nd time Durrell family captured by the Indians. Women and infant killed.
1728 Great earthquake.  Many joined the church in Cape Porpoise.
1730 through 1740 First Ship built on the Mousam River
1749 Grist Mill Built by Perkins family
1750 Centers established at Mousam River, The Landing and at Lower Village Kennebunk.  Some settlement in West Kennebunk.  2nd Parish
1755 freshet carried away all the mills on the Mousam River and first ship built on the Kennebunk River
1763 First Church of Christ Arundel
1775 Rum Wharehouse built in dock Square by Eliphalet Perkins
1776 Independence
1782 Battle of Cape Porpoise Samuel Wildes, Trott Island and crew of British Brig at Goat Island battles.  James Burnham was killed 17 British killed
1790 Shipbuilding Tobias Lord on the Mousam River moved to Kennebunk River Landing
1813 Customs House built
1820 Maine became a State Kennebunk became a town Arundel became Kennebunkport
1824 South Congregational Church built
1827 Andrew Luques built store on corner of Dock Sq and Ocean Ave.
1837 Charles Bradbury published History of Kennebunkport
1838 Village Baptist Church built
1839 Ward family building ships in Kennebunkport and Clement Littlefield Shipyard at Lower Village, Railroad came through West Kennebunk
1841 Schooner Nile built in Dock Square for D&S Ward
1842 November 30 The Wreck of the Isadore
1842 Present site of First Church
1847 The Kennebunk River Company built the Locks
1851 Ward Yard at the South Congregational Church land
1853 Nott House built for Charles E. Perkins and Celia Nott
1854 Nathanial Lord Thompson moved to Lower Village from the Landing
1856 Atlas of York County
1862 Shop on S Brook bridge F. S. Bryant
1870 Modest cottages built at Goose Rocks Beach
1871 Goose Rocks House was built
1872 York County Atlas Maps
1872 Boston and Kennebunkport Seashore Company incorporated
1873 Ocean Bluff Hotel built by Seashore Company at Cape Arundel
1873 Cottages at Kennebunk Beach. Lord's Point and Parson's Beach developed
1874 First Cottage built at Cape Arundel, Ocean Ave (River Rd.) rebuilt nearer the river.
1877 Dock Square Fire
1878 New Parker House Built.  2nd & 3rd cottages at Cape Arundel lots given by Seashore Company to promote development
1883 Train stations for Boston and Maine Railroad branches Kennebunk Beach, Parson's Beach, Kennebunkport Depot
1884 The Arundel, Nonantum, Seaview House (before 1884)
1886 Eagle Rock Hotel Kennebunk Beach, Casino built on So. Main St., St Ann's built
1887 Skating Rink Fire, Failed attempt to build shoe factory in Kennebunkport
1887 St. Ann's built
1888 Langsford House Cape Porpoise
1890 River Club built
1890 Anthony Luques sold store to Dennett
1891 Abbott Graves came to Kennebunkport year round by 1920
1893 Norton's burned
1893 Post Office moves from Union Square to Norton's
1893 Tuck's Antiques first opens
1895 Joseph & Sarah Wildes Manuel celebrated 75 wedding anniversary
1896 Freshet took out wooden bridge.  New steel bridge was built
1898 Trolley
1900 Early 1900s river activities.  Canoe races, sailing races, carnival etc.
1901 Tuck built Colonial Inn
1903 Walker Point developed
1903 Central Market built in Union Square
1904 Welch's Dry Goods built beside Colonial Inn
1905 Electricity to Kennebunkport
1905 Arundel Social Club leased Colonial Inn
1906 Colonial Inn Ice Cream Parlor became Bijou Theatre
1909 Monument erected in Dock Square
1914 Victor Vernon offers seaplane rides from Kennebunk Beach
1915 North Kennebunkport split off
1919 Kenneth Roborts moves to Kennebunk Beach
1921 Central Market becomes Towne & Clark Grocery (Alano's)
1930 Roberts writes his first novel Arundel
1935 Parker House Torn Down George Cooper Supervisor
1936 Roberts built Rocky Pastures and moved to Kennebunkport to escape the tourists and fans
1947 October Fire of 47
1957 North Kennebunkport renamed Arundel
1962 Goat Island Light Bell stops ringing and is donated to KHS by U. S. Coastguard
1964 Arundel Opera building becomes Catholic Church replacing Church on the corner of Maine St and South St